The B.R. Ryall YMCA’s Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is a working board and leadership program for high school students. Members work on committees to plan and execute programs and events for the Y’s new teen program, while also receiving leadership training from proven community leaders. The Y’s teen program for 6th-12th graders will include after-school drop-in hours, tutoring, mentoring, events, and interest-specific clubs.
Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 6 p.m.
Roles & Responsibilities
– Attend meetings twice a month at 6 p.m. for one hour (year-long commitment)
– Actively participate on the TAB
– Plan, promote and lead a program
– Commit at least 10 hours to volunteer at Y events
– Market Y events and programs
*All applicants will be interviewed for acceptance.
Application Requirements
– Must be a current high school student
– Submit the completed application
– Submit a letter of recommendation
– Commit to all TAB responsibilities
– Adhere to zero tolerance policy for drugs, alcohol, weapons, or other illegal substances
Meet Our Teen Advisory Board

Jacob Halter
Class of 2024
Wheaton North High School
Jacob Halter is a Senior at Wheaton North High School and is the president of the B.R. Ryall Teen Advisory Board. As president, he has lead funnel events, as well as meetings. He lead the first “After Hours” event for Middle Schoolers-Neon Night. At this event attendees bonded through dodgeball, art, and dancing. Jacob also works as a lifeguard at the YMCA, as well as a youth/adult swim lesson instructor. Outside his job he enjoys volunteering part time at his church and through school activities like the national honor society. Finally his love of service is only rivaled by his passion for the outdoors. As an Eagle Scout Jacob spent many hours camping, hiking, and fishing, as well as learning about conservation and his impact on the world. Jacob appreciates the YMCA, the Teen Advisory Board, and everyone he can impact in a positive way.

Maggie Lange
Vice President
Class of 2024
Wheaton North High School
Maggie is a senior at Wheaton North High School. She is on the girls golf team and also and officer for her schools STEM club where she helps others explore the STEM field. In her free time, she loves to run, bike, play pickle ball, and spend time with her family and friends. Maggie is excited to be on the Teen Advisory Board to meet and connect with other teens in the community. She also hopes to help kids feel belonging and make new friends through helping to plan ALIVES various teen held programs and is excited to make a positive impact in her community!

Bella DiCosola
Class of 2025
Glenbard West High School
Bella is a junior at Glenbard West Highschool. Aside from TAB, she enjoys learning about astronomy and biology. So much so, that she hopes to achieve her PHD in environmental biology someday. An avid volunteer, Bella believes TAB is a wonderful outlet for those looking to be more active in their community. She encourages others to try it, even if they don’t like it, they’ll appreciate the positive impact they make on their community. 🙂

Gabrielle Horn
Class of 2024
Wheaton North High School
Gabrielle is a senior at Wheaton North High School and this is her second year at TAB. She likes to lead Alive with events to encourage participation from children around middle school age and teens of all kind. When she is not with Alive, Gabrielle enjoys activities such as drawing, cooking, walking around her neighborhood, and hanging out with her friends. Gabrielle also has interest in the STEM field and hopes to lead more activities in Alive to do with STEM and inspire children to pursue that path! Gabrielle is very excited to work with Alive more and help inspire others as she was inspired. Here’s to another year!

Shadan Al Zuhairi
Class of 2024
Wheaton Warrenville South High School
Shadan Al Zuhairi is a senior at Wheaton Warrenville South High School. Some of her favorite hobbies include running, baking, reading, and watching scary movies. At school, she is involved in various clubs such as Speech Team, Student Council, and Youth and Government. She is deeply interested in the field of neuroscience and healthcare. In the future, Shadan plans to pursue a career related to pediatrics. This will be her first year in T.A.B and she is excited to connect with her community and peers.

Charlie Barrett
Class of 2025
Wheaton Warrenville South High School
I am a junior at Wheaton Warrenville South High School, graduating in 2025. For my high school I participate in student council, key club, volleyball, and track. In my free time I like to spend time with my family and friends. I love volunteering and helping out in my community in any way possible. I also love snowboarding and doing snow sports. This is my first year on TAB and I am excited to help make a difference in my community.

Glenna Bottom
Class of 2024
Wheaton Warrenville South High School
Glenna is a Senior at Wheaton Warrenville South High School. In her free time she enjoys reading, traveling and hanging out with friends. She is also a leader on her school’s Model UN delegation, Youth and Government Club and mentor to the Eco Club at her middle school. She is also a two sport athlete in golf and varsity lacrosse. She is a first year member on the Teen Advisory Board, but is excited to get involved with the youth of her community and make difference in their lives before she graduates in the spring of 2024. She hopes to take the lessons that she learns during this year; through encouraging teens, planning events, and working with others, with her for the rest of her life. As she looks to her future, she’s thrilled to provide opportunities like the ones she had growing up to other teens in her community.

Elle Flanagan
Class of 2025
Glenbard West High School
Elle is a Junior at Glenbard West high school, in her free time she is apart of theater, best buddies, and tennis. As well as the teen advisor board! Her hobbies included baking, cooking, and reading. She loves hanging out with her friend’s as well!

Shane Griffin
Class of 2024
Glenbard North High School
Shane is a senior at Glenbard North High School and will graduate in 2024. Shane loves anything history and plans to pursue a career in politics and law. He also enjoys hiking, photography, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. Serving the community and giving back to those in need has and always will be his biggest passion in life. At Alive, he’s extremely excited to give fellow teens a safe, fun environment to express themselves! Being apart of such an amazing program like the Teen Advisory Board allows Shane to collaborate and help his community in marvelous ways. He is excited to create programs that will help other teens be open to themselves and others.

Bennett Mestrits
Class of 2026
Glenbard West High School
I swim for the YMCA year round, and sometimes I swim for my Highschool in the winter. I enjoy sports and playing video games

Shivani Patel
Class of 2025
Glenbard North High School
I am a junior at Glenbard North highschool. I love being involved in my community and volunteering so that I can make it a better place. I participate in clubs like student council and students against destructive decisions. I play volleyball, and I also do dance. I am so glad to be apart of tab and have learned so much about team work through it!

Brendan Robben
Class of 2024
Wheaton North High School
Brendan is a senior at Wheaton North High School. He is infatuated with music, playing percussion in the school band and the extracurricular Percussion Ensemble, as well as leading the Front Ensemble in the Falcon Marching Band. He also plays the piano and drum set, and he listens to music at every available moment. He is involved in the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta math honor society, and Spanish Honor Society. In his spare time, Brendan likes to read, make music, and play MarioKart with his friends. Brendan joined the TAB to connect with his peers and provide a safe space for any teen who needs it. He has experienced the need for this kind of initiative program through his experience in the foster care system, helping foster dozens of children, all of whom he will love forever.

Emma Smith
Class of 2024
Glenbard West High School
Emma is a senior at Glenbard west high school. She enjoys reading, writing, playing bass, learning languages, fashion, baking, and hanging out with her friends and dog. In School, she’s apart of book club and eco club, and outside of school she is a student liaison for the Glen Ellyn Planning Commission. She is looking forward to helping ALIVE grow in its first year in Glen Ellyn.

Arianna Volpi
Class of 2026
Montini Catholic High School
I’m a sophomore at Montini Catholic High school. I am in baking club, Lasallian, and I’m on the executive board for student government. This is my first year on the Montini golf team, but I also enjoy volleyball, gymnastics, and dance. I had surgery for my hip dysplasia at 13, and have since been suffering with POTS, MCAS, EDS, and CRPS. I was born in Michigan and have since moved 22 times. I have lived in Michigan, Illinois, Texas, and Colorado. I enjoy baking and rewatching my favorite shows like Friends, Modern Family, and The Middle. This is my first year on TAB and I can’t wait to meet new friends and help people!

Sameer Yamala
Class of 2025
Glenbard West High School
Sameer Yamala is a junior at Glenbard West High School. In school, he is a member of the Forensics team, Investment club, and the school’s soccer team. In his free time, Sameer loves to hang out with his friends and family, play soccer, and tutor younger kids. This is his first year on the TAB and he is excited to meet new people and be a part of the YMCA and Alive’s great community!