Facility Usage Guidelines

Facility Age Guidelines

To ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience, we have established the following facility guidelines. 

Supervising individuals are defined as registered caregivers, parents/guardians, or family members ages 18 and up who are active B.R. Ryall YMCA members.

AreasAge RangeGuidelines


8 years and younger

Supervising individual is responsible for child and must
accompany them at all times unless signed in to a Y program such as Child Watch or a Y program such as a sports class or swim lesson. Children are not allowed to sit in a program area while the supervising individual exercises or attends a program.

9-10 years

Supervising individual must be on Y property and accessible to child unless signed into a Y program such as a sports class or swim lesson.

11+ years

Open access to the Y and designated areas. Please see the area specific age guidelines below.

Child Watch

8 weeks -   
8 years

Parent or guardian must remain in the building at all times. Child Watch is a benefit of Family or Family Plus Memberships. Reservations are not required at this time. The maximum stay is 2 hours per day.

Intergenerational Room

9-13 years
(5-8 years with Parent/Guardian
during Family Time)

Varies based on open hours schedule

Teen Center

6th-12th grade

May be used during scheduled hours.


6 years and younger

Must have an adult in the water within arms reach at all times.

7-10 years

Parent or guardian must be present on the pool deck at all times
regardless of swim band color.

11+ years

May swim without parent supervision. All swimmers under the age of 16,
who wish to use the deep end, will be swim tested by an on-duty lifeguard and will be required to wear the appropriate wristband for the duration of their visit. Testing must be done at every visit.

Children who require the assistance of a life jacket/flotation device must have a parent or guardian
in the water with them, within arm’s reach at all times regardless of age.

Wellness Center and Track

8 years and younger

May not enter the Wellness Center, track, free weight or functional training room

9-10 years

May walk or run on the track when accompanied by a parent or guardian; not permitted on the Wellness Center floor, free weight or functional training room.

11-15 years

May use the Wellness Center, track, free weight and functional training room after completion of a Teen Start orientation.

High school (16+)

May use the Wellness Center or track. (Teen Start Orientation is not required but is available upon request)

Youth must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian for the Teen Start orientations. The parent/guardian will need to complete and sign the teen start waiver.


8 years and younger

Must be accompanied by a supervising individual. May be used during scheduled open gym time.

9+ years

May be used during scheduled open gym times.

Group Exercise

Middle School

May ONLY attend designated “Middle School” group fitness classes.

High school students under age 16

May attend group fitness classes after completion of a Teen Start orientation

16+ years

May attend group fitness classes.

Day Passes

11-17 years

May purchase a day pass with completion of a waiver and parent's signature

18+ years

May purchase a day pass with the completion of a waiver and background check. A valid photo ID is required for entry.

Member Guest Passes

11-17 years

May use a member's guest pass with completion of a waiver and parent's signature

18+ years

May use a member's guest pass with the completion of a waiver and background check. A valid photo ID is required for entry.